Now I know I've missed the past two weeks of #Write52 goodness (sorry!) and I'm pretty sure you'll all think I've gone bonkers in that time given the title of this week's post, but bear with me...
Team Worrell currently find themselves in self-isolation. Ben started feeling unwell with a high temperature and cough on Friday morning, and I quickly followed suit on Friday afternoon. By Saturday, we both felt zonked and could hardly move at all – in fact, I felt like I'd played three full-on games of netball on the bounce I was that stiff. But I'm pleased to report that by Day 4 of self-isolation, we were feeling human again now. Bring on Day 5. Sadly we've (currently) no way of knowing if we've had a mild dose of coronavirus or something else – perhaps one day soon there will be a home testing kit available, but for now, we're like the rest of the world: anxiously apprehensive at what's to come.
I know it's a worrying time for many right now. Being put on a national lockdown. Schools shutting, putting many vulnerable children at greater risk, not to mention students being robbed of their chance to prove what they've learned over the years. Businesses asking employees to accept huge pay cuts to prevent mass redundancies. Or indeed businesses shutting completely – particularly those who are run by the self-employed and simply can't carry on. Some of these business closures may only be temporary (e.g. childminders, cleaners, personal trainers, etc.) but it doesn't make it any less devastating for those involved. We have to hope these new stricter measures really help to flatten the curve and give the NHS a fighting chance to tackle the outbreak.
If you take a peek at the news or social media, 99.9% of the stories you'll find relate to coronavirus. The vast majority of these stories are filled with incredibly worrying facts and figures, but we've also seen some amazing feats of neighbourhoods pulling together to support the vulnerable and elderly in our communities. There are also beautiful images documenting how the natural world is using this time to recover: Levels of harmful emissions are significantly lower around the world given the strict travel restrictions that have been put in place; Venice's canals are clearer than they have been in decades; nature is reclaiming what should be rightfully hers. We just have to hope that once this is all over, we don't take it all for granted quite so much as we have done in the past.
Anyway, let's come back to this week's title: Two wonderful weeks. Despite all the global goings-on, it has been an amazing two weeks in the Worrell household, so I thought I'd share a few of these moments to brighten your day.
1. New home
We finally moved into our fantastic new family home in the Northamptonshire village of Welford. With only a few bits left to do, it really does feel like home. We can't wait to have a proper housewarming party with all our friends and family once this pandemic is a thing of the past. After all, this kitchen is crying out for a good ol' shin-dig!
And a big thank you to Sam and Kirstie – my brother-in-law and sister-in-law – for possibly the best "Happy New Home" card I've ever seen.

2. Gorgeous countryside walks
It's fair to say Sally is as happy as a pig in muck with so many glorious walks right on our doorstep. Again, when you're all allowed to visit, bring some walking boots and we'll all go exploring!

3. Preschool
It's fair to say Izzy is incredibly proud of her new preschool, and we of her. She ran in on her first day and hasn't looked back since. I know it's going to be a challenging few months ahead while preschool is forced to stay closed, but I have absolutely no doubt she will flourish once they throw open those doors again.
The wonderful ladies at preschool have also been putting together care packages for all its children and on Friday afternoon, we found a lovely envelope on our doorstep full of craft materials that has kept Izzy entertained for hours – thank you Welford Preschool!
4. Welford's sense of community
Times are tough and are about to get a whole lot tougher. But that hasn't deterred Darren and Anna or their hard-working team down at The Wharf Pub. They've quickly set up a takeaway delivery service and we were only too happy to support them on Saturday evening – and now that Ben is feeling better again, he's delighted he can get draught gluten-free beer to take away too. They've also organised fruit and veg boxes, and meat packs, via their suppliers to help keep the village nourished. What a service – thanks team!
Preschool are also doing a stirling job of keeping the whole village entertained, setting us all weekly challenges. This week, we've been asked to display something relating to rainbows and there are already some lovely displays to be seen around the village. We'll be putting Izzy's painting and my language-based quiz questions up tomorrow :-)

5. My first preschool-made Mother's Day card
It's fair to say this one made me laugh and cry in equal measure! It'll be going in Izzy's folder of stuff so she can see it in years to come.
6. Mother's Day pancakes
Izzy and I love cooking in our new kitchen so Team Worrell had a delicious pancake lunch (gluten- and lactose-free especially for Daddy!) on Mother's Day. I even introduced Izzy to the long-held family tradition of the last scotch pancake "having your name on it". Daddy wolfed his before we got a photo though – doh!
I've got more tips to #DitchThePlastic to share with you next week, but for now, I hope these snaps have brought a smile. Stay well everyone x